
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tappers: Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya

Woke up very late today. Couldn't sleep well last night because of terrible flu. Having fever too. Lepas Subuh baru terlelap dengan hidung tersumbat. Bila bukak mata, the clock showed its already 3pm. So, need to go out and have something to eat for a very late lunch. Mula-mula ingat nak makan nasi ayam penyet kat pasar borong Selangor tu je. Tapi, dah 3 hari berturut-turut makan ayam penyet kat situ. Takkan nak makan ayam penyet lagi.

Tetiba, hujan lebat plak petang ni. Well, kalau makan roti telur garing kat Restoran Al-Azwath pun sedap jugak time hujan-hujan ni sambil pekena teh tarik. Lagipun,  teh tarik kat situ pun sedap compared kedai mamak lain. Tapi, better try something else, at new place. Kalau ok, boleh la recommend kat orang lain. So, jum pergi ke Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya.

I drove my car, heading to Cyberjaya. Teringat kat satu kedai ni, Tappers. Located here at Shaftsbury Square, which is situated next to MDeC building. Kat Shaftsbury Square ni ada banyak kedai makan like Subway, Killiney's, Serai, Yati Ayam Percik, Kenny Rogers etc. Banyak pilihan jugak. So, bila dah sampai, i parked my car not far from the restaurant, duduk sekejap dengar radio sampai hujan reda sket and then, walked to it.

Tappers ni letaknya between restoran mamak Shahnaz Maju and Secret Recipe. Warna tema kedai ni putih. Almost everything in white colour so senang nak bezakan antara pelayan kedai, pelanggan, makanan dengan meja, kerusi & dinding kedai. About wifi, i am not sure whether kedai ni offer wifi service or not and i lupa plak to try and check.

I chose to seat at the outside area of the restaurant. Malas nak duduk dalam air cond. Makin tersumbat hidung ni nanti. It seemed today tak ramai customer kat sini. Hari pun redup and hujan renyai-renyai. Lagi selesa duduk kat luar rasanya. 

The waiter quickly handed me the menu. Looking at the menu, Tappers does offer varieties of meal from local to Western food. Almost all available here. Nak makan nasik, spaghetti, chicken chop, soft boiled egg..semuanya ada. No worries. Pilih aje. Harga pun nampak reasonable. However, no cakes and candies available.

So, for my 1st visit, i ordered: original french toast (this comes with honey but many times i repeated to the waiter that i do not want honey..many times i reminded him), Chicken Schnitzel (with brown sauce) and a cup of Cuppuccino. 

It didn't take long before the drink and meal that i ordered arrive. After i got my Cuppuccino, the 1st meal landed on my table was the Chicken Schnitzel. Well, sedap jugak Chicken Schnitzel ni tapi make sure this meal kena makan cepat-cepat while it is still hot. If not, u better leave it. Takut rasa muak. Then, the original french toast came. Guess what? It came with honey! I've told the waiter so many Malay and English but still it came with honey. And i did't give much hope that he'll understand what i've said to him. Susah jugak kalau pelayan kedai ni orang Myanmar yang susah nak faham apa yang kita cakap. Letih nak ulang banyak kali.

I like the coleslaw, the french toast and the Cuppuccino. Chicken Schnitzel is so-so only. I should have ordered Kung Po Chicken with rice and i will do that during my 2nd visit. Hope it is not dissappointing. Maybe i can try the carbonara and nasi lemak too. Altogether, it costed me RM26.30. After paying the bill, i went to Shahnaz Maju kat sebelah pulak, nak pekena melo tarik sebab nak layan movie Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon sebelum gerak keluar dari Shaftsbury Square ni.

So, whoever wants to hang out, chillax with friends and relatives and try the meals at the Platters, u can just go to the Shaftsbury Square here in Cyberjaya. Masa operasi: 8.00 am till 10.00 pm.

Till next time.


  1. nampak best!! transformer 3 dh keluar ke???

  2. Bole la...carbonara nampak sedap..nanti nak la lepak2 rilek2 kat, transformers 3: dark of the moon tu dah lama kuar la...yg belum kuar transformers 4 je...

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