
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Movie: Cloud Atlas

After leaving Shaftsbury Square, Cyberjaya, had to go somewhere other than heading back home. Tetiba teringat pasal movie Cloud Atlas. Macam dah ada kat cinema sekarang ni. Lagipun, I've read so many things about this movie. So, check website GSC and TGV...kat mana yang ada and nearby so tak payah drive jejauh. Nak drive ke KL pun malas time demam-demam ni.

So, the nearest: TGV AEON Cheras Selatan in Balakong.  GSC Alamanda belum tayang lagi. Traffic was smooth so in 15 mins dah sampai ke AEON. Available show was at 11.00pm. Jam baru kul 9.00pm so sempat lagi ni. Still banyak seat available. Ramai orang kat sini but mostly datang sebab nak tengok Chinese movies.

Selepas berjaya beli tiket (queue tak panjang pun), terus menghala ke Starbucks...bukan nak minum kat situ tapi nak charge telefon. Bila dok tulis blog (loading gambar etc) guna phone, banyak plak guna power battery so kena la charge balik. Duduk selamba dendiam je kat meja sebelah luar starbucks ni without buying anything. Elok plak ada mug atas meja from previous customer so just pretend ajelah the mug belongs to me.  Sedikit sinopsis movie Cloud Atlas ni:

Everything is connected: an 1849 diary of an ocean voyage across the Pacific; letters from a composer to his friend; a thriller about a murder at a nuclear power plant; a farce about a publisher in a nursing home; a rebellious clone in futuristic Korea; and the tale of a tribe living in post-apocalyptic Hawaii, far in the future.

Based on the novel by David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas is the latest film from the Wachowski siblings and Tom Tykwer, spanning fom the 19th century to the distant future, taking in the joys of a 1970s thriller and a present day farce along the way.

It tells the story of a succession of interconnected individuals, some connected through a comet shaped birthmark, others through physical manifestations left behind by others. In the film we flit between each, with each actor donning bewildering prosthetics to play a number of roles. For example Hugh grant plays a slaver, an unscrupulous nuclear energy boss, a vengeful businessman and yes, believe it or not a bloodthirsty canibal. It’s a beautifully directed and designed film, with all the visual style and skill you would expect from messers Wachowski and Tykwer.

As they move backwards and forwards through the stories, like the chords of the story's Cloud Atlas sextet, they sweep majestically and gracefully through time and space. Disorientating as that may seem, the film never loses focus, as the directors intertwine the fates of those who purvey it with such grace, it's hard not to be swept up in its visual majesty. It’s without doubt the most visually rich film so far this year, and will take some beating artistically to scale the heights that the directors have here. Quibbles aside, Cloud Atlas can still stake its claim as this year's most visually stirring film, almost magical in its imagery and settings, and will give plenty of food for thought for all after the credits have rolled.


According to IMDB, movie ni dapat 8 out of 10. Means, memang wajib tonton lah tu. The movies takes about 2 jam 52 min and memang silap besar tak bawak sweater bila tengok movie ni. Dok tahan sejuk ajelah  dalam panggung.

Overall, movie ni best...sebab keunikan jalan ceritanya yang melibatkan connection antara pelbagai watak pada zaman & dunia yang berbeza. An epic journey through time and space. It is funny to see some actors had to be transformed to look like Korean. Nampak weird. When u watch this movie, u will know exactly what i mean about this.

Dalam Cloud Atlas, Ben Whishaw (as Q in James Bond: Skyfall) jugak berjaya menghidupkan watak sepertimana watak yang dibawanya dalam filem Perfume. (I think everybody should watch this movie. I can guarantee Perfume is one of the best. I have one, indeed). Salah seorang pengarah Cloud Atlas iaitu Tom Tykwer adalah pengarah bagi movie Perfume.

Since the movie has many different time, story to tell, the scenes will change from one to another. So, it is important to stay focus on every story that it has. That's also why it takes 2 hrs 52 mins to finish. Tu pun ada sikit scene yang kena potong (Hmm...?? Carik dvd nanti kalau nak tau kenapa scene tu dipotong).

Dari kul 11.05pm movie ni start, kul 1.45am baru abis. Bila keluar panggung, ramai yang jalan dah tak berapa nak betul (especially me) sambil pakat-pakat menguap time beratur nak bayar tiket..huhu...

Sesiapa yang berniat nak tengok movie ni, please do so....Happy viewing and please remember to stay focus all the time...pergi toilet siap-siap sblm movie start & jangan terlelap plak...kalau tak nanti kelaut la jadinya....

*off to Al-Azwath nak pekena maggi goreng ayam & teh tarik sedap...lapar pulak pagi-pagi buta ni.

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