Dah lama tak beli dvd. Asik ulang-ulang tengok citer yang ada je kat rumah. Dah macam channel Astro plak sebab asik dok ulang movie yang sama banyak kali. Balik-balik movie tu. Balik-balik movie ni. Boring. So, memang dah sampai masa kena cari stok movie yang baru...sebab memang ada movie yang tak tengok lagi. So, 2 hari lepas, singgah la kat kedai dvd nearby the house and looked for good movies that is worth to watch.
Well, rupanya tak banyak movie baru (movie gred A list yang best) yang boleh dibeli. Then suddenly terpandang satu movie ni: Life of Pi. Life of Pi ni adalah American 3D live-action/computer-animated adventure drama film tahun 2012 yang diadaptasi daripada novel oleh penulis Yann Martel pada tahun 2001 dengan tajuk yang sama.
Novel Life of Pi |
A boy, a tiger, a hyena, a zebra and an orangutan |
The chart of Pi's actions |
Sebelum ni tak tertarik langsung nak tengok movie ni even dah dengar banyak good review about it and selain dah banyak cecah tahap box-office kat pelbagai negara, this movie pun berjaya menang 4 award (daripada 11 nominations) semasa berlangsungnya the 85th Academy Awards – the Oscar Awards 2013 iaitu Best Direction, Best Original Score, Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects.
So, i think i should watch it.
Pi and Richard Parker the tiger |
Richard Parker and Pi |
Taming Richard Parker |
Drifting at sea |
A young man (Pi) who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger.
(source: imdb)
Facing the storm |
Meeting the whale |
Clueless |
Beautiful sea |
Pi's father named him Piscine Molitor after a swimming pool in France. As a child he changed his name to "Pi" (the mathematical symbol, π) because he was tired of being called "Pissing Patel". When Pi is 16, his father decides to move the family to Winnipeg, Canada, where he intends to settle and sell the zoo animals that he has. They book passage on a Japanese freighter named Tzimtzum. One night there is a storm; the ship begins to founder while Pi is on deck. He tries to find his family, but a crew member throws him into a lifeboat. Just as the ship falls into the sea, a freed zebra leaps from the ship to land on the boat with him. Pi then watches helplessly as the ship sinks, killing his family and the crew. Also with him is a hyena, and an orangutan.
Pi, who survives the shipwreck in which his family dies is finally stranded in the Pacific Ocean on the lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Then his journey and adventure for survival begins.
(source: wikipedia)
On mystery island..at night... |
Mystery island is full of meerkat manor (very cute) |
What can i say...Movie ni terbukti memang best untuk ditonton. You will enjoy it dari mula lagi iaitu dari saat karakter Pi diperkenalkan (sejak beliau masih kecil dan tinggal bersama keluarga dan kenal pelbagai jenis agama: Hindu, Kristian dan Islam) hinggalah beliau kehilangan keluarga dan terpaksa mengharungi 227 hari untuk survive dalam bot penyelamat bersama-sama dengan seekor harimau. Macamana harimau tu boleh dapat nama Richard Parker? kena tengok sendiri lah untuk tau...(kalau nak search kat Google pun boleh je sebanrnya...)
Stranded..without food... |
Flying fish coming... |
flying fish entering the boat... |
Both tired and helpless... |
Selain daripada adventure and CGI yang cantik, it also explores issues of spirituality and practicality. So, sesiapa yang belum tengok lagi movie ni, sila la beli dvd and tengok sendiri to witness it. Highly recommended.
Believe me...You will not regret watching it.
another cover of the book |
in the making |
the boat |
in the making |
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